Are you looking for cute and easy mood tracker ideas you can try in your bullet journal? I’ve got just what you’re looking for. I curated 12 of the best and latest mood tracker bullet journal spreads that you can use as inspiration in your own bujo.
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Cute Bullet Journal Mood Tracker Ideas
The great thing about bullet journaling is that you can create your pages however you want to. You are not limited to a printed dairy or planner with the pages already created for you.
So you can incorporate your own interests and tastes and make a tracker page that you really love and that suits your lifestyle.
Here are 12 ideas to inspire you to create a mood tracker in your bujo!

Bullet Journaling Supplies
Let’s grab our supplies before we start!
Watermelon Mood Tracker
These watermelon doodles are a cute idea and are easy to draw. You can whip up a mood tracker page like this in a few minutes.

Toadstool Mood Tracker
These toadstool doodles are super cute and quick to colour in.

Mug Mood Tracker
If you’re a coffee or tea lover, you’ll love this mug mood tracker idea for your bullet journal. You can doodle different kinds of mugs and cups on a shelf as this creator did.

Related Post: minimalist weekly spread ideas for your bullet journal
Why keep track of your moods?
Mood tracking is a new way of keeping track of how you feel about your everyday life.
Mood tracking can help you detect patterns in your moods that might not be readily apparent otherwise. This can be a really helpful tool for those who are struggling with mental illness or mental health challenges.
Keeping track of your moods or feelings can help you and your therapist see any patterns in your mood and monitor your treatment progress. You can get more information in this article.
Mood tracking is also beneficial for those who just want to get their general moods evaluated and learn more about themselves.
Potion Bottle Mood Tracker
This creator decorated her mood tracker in her bujo with torn kraft paper and doodles of magic potion bottles.

Smiley Mood Tracker Idea
I think these smiley blobs are such a cute and easy idea to try in your bullet journal. The creator used these beautiful pastel colour Tombow pens to colour in the smileys.

Paint Palette Mood Tracker
If you’re an artist you’ll love this adorable paint palette mood tracker idea. The creator added lots of details to her bujo page, but you don’t have to. Just the paint pans on their own are super cute.

Potted Plants Mood Tracker Bujo
If you’re a houseplant lover, you’ll love this mood tracker idea. Each of the leaves of the plants represents one day. Plant doodles are easy to draw.

Succulent Terrarium Mood Tracker
Another plant-inspired mood tracker for your bullet journal! How cute is this terrarium?

Honeycomb Mood Tracker for Bullet Journal
Here is a simple and easy mood tracker idea featuring a honeycomb and bees.

Polaroid Mood Tracker Idea
I’ve always been a fan of polaroid doodles. Each polaroid represents a day in your life. They are very quick and easy to draw and fill up a whole page.

Fruit Mood Tracker
Fruit doodles always look cute, am I right? These are very simple and easy to draw.

Watermelon Mood Tracker
Another fruit-inspired mood tracker that’s perfect for summer! This one is quick and simple since you only have to draw on watermelon and divide it up into sections.

Which of these cute and easy mood tracker ideas will you try in your bullet journal? I hope these have been inspiring to you and that you are eager to try something new!
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