Hello friends! Today I’m sharing with you a goal setting worksheet that you can download for free. You can use this for different types of personal goals (e.g. physical, spiritual, etc.) as there are four frames to fill in. It’s available in two colour ways and has a cute hand-drawn feel to it.

These are so cute! I love them! Definitely a great idea to get goals in writing. Half the time I forget what I’d set out to do in the first place.
Hey Rebekah, that’s true, hey? It’s good to write them down and have a look at them once in a while so we can stay on track 🙂
Thanx a bunch!!!
Thank you so much! These are so pretty – I can hang them up on the wall and see my goals every day. Exactly what I was looking for!
Yay! I’m so glad to hear that, Anna 🙂 Thank you for your comment!