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Having a planner is a great way to keep track of everything that is happening in your life. It can help you remember important dates and be less anxious about forgetting them. However, there are many more things that you can add to your planner in order to get the most out of it.

Here are 12 suggestions of things to track in your planner:

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12 Things you can Track in your Planner

12 things to track in your planner

1. A habit tracker

With a habit tracker you get the wonderful opportunity to check how many of those goals you are following through. Anything can end up on this tracker – water intake, reading, running, healthy eating etc. This is your habit tracker, so add any habit you are trying to implement in your life.

This could, for example, work both ways – write down the habits that you want to get rid of as well, and leave each day that you don’t do them unmarked.

2. Daily memories

Writing down those small daily events can help you remember what your life was like some day. However, this is not just a good activity for keeping those memories safe, it also has a therapeutic effect.

“Describing daily events in your planner is a great way to let go of stress and realise that life is good. This technique has proven extremely therapeutic in the past. The best thing about it is that it doesn’t have to be therapeutic only at the moment you are writing it down, but it can serve the same purpose in the future,” says Barney Cohen, a writer from Do My Assignment.

woman writing down her thoughts in diary

3. The weather

Weather affects a lot of people’s mood. Keeping a record of what the weather was like can help you understand yourself and your emotions a lot better. It’s also a great way to add some doodles to your planner – clouds, sunshine, rain, snow, etc.

Weather stickers freebie by LovelyPlanner

4. A mood tracker

A mood tracker is one of those elements used to understand yourself better. This can help you keep track of your mental health – it can help you see what is it that your bad days have in common and what your good days have in common.

cute mood tracker in bullet journal
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

5. An inspiration page

This is where you’d write down all of your favourite quotes that inspire or motivate you. You can add a new quote each month or add to it every day.

Looking for inspirational quotes to place in your planner? Download these free printable morning motivational quotes here.

free printable motivational quotes for planners
Photo by Lexy Lammerink on Unsplash

6. Due dates

Due dates are always present in our life no matter if we are in school, college, whether we have a job or not. This is why it’s a good idea to keep a record of your due dates – it will help you remember them, start working on them in time, and de-stress your life a bit.

Free printable weekly planner
Printable calendar available in my shop

7. Bucket lists

Everyone has a bucket list whether they keep it in their head or on the paper. Your bucket list might change over time so it’s a good idea to write it down and see how many of your bucket list points you can realise. This is also a good way to set goals and find a way to achieve them.

“Bucket lists are truly inspiring. They push you to find ways to realize your dreams and inspire you to want great things in life. Everyone should have one of these – bucket lists can be useful if you are feeling down too,” says Audrey Michael, a writer from Essayroo.

Free printable to-do lists

8. Pictures

Print out some pictures of your friends, family, yourself, or anything else that you find beautiful and place it in your planner. This is a good way to keep those memories safe and decorate your planner at the same time.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

9. Lists of favourites

Creating lists is fun and it can help you get to know yourself a bit better. Be completely honest when creating these in order to capture who you truly are at the time of writing. You could write lists of your favourite movies, books, songs, poems, TV shows etc. 

My printable self-care planner includes a page where you can record all your favourites so that you have quick resources when you need a pick-me-up.

10. Affirmations

Self-care is extremely important, especially in this time where shaming is so widespread. Negative thoughts have a lot more ways to get to you. This is why you need to take care of your mental health and write down affirmations, positive thoughts, and good things about yourself.

Affirmation cards for women

11. Your Accomplishments

Stay motivated by writing down what you have accomplished at the end of each day or week. Even if these accomplishments are small steps, it gives you a sense of achievement and makes you see how far you’ve come.

12. Your Goals

There are many reasons why you should write down your goals.

One of the main reasons is that writing down your goals will help you stay focused and goal-oriented. If you don’t write down your goals, it might be too easy to lose sight of what needs to be done, which can lead to less motivation and fewer achievements. Even if nothing goes wrong, it’s still good practice to always know what your priorities are so that you can focus on them.

free printable resolutions worksheet
Free printable resolutions worksheet

Final Thoughts

Having a planner is a great way to establish control over your life. But, instead of it being boring and just a list of dates and things to do, you could add some of these fun and inquisitive elements to spice it up and have more fun – add colours, stickers, tapes etc. to make it look even better.

I hope these 11 things to track in your planner has sparked some ideas for you. What other elements do you include in your planner? Let me know below in the comments.

Related post: Free printable top tab dividers for your planner

Author bio:

Grace Carter is an editor at Assignment Writing Service and Write My Australia, where she helps with content management. Also, Grace provides proofreading services at AustralianReviewer, a website that reviews online writing services.

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Wondering what you can include in your planner? Here are 10 creative ideas to make planning fun. Including, habit trackers, mood trackers, inspiration, and more.

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  1. Thank you so much such a great idea. You inspired me make my planner even better for this new year, and start my year by organizing my self. This 2020 will be amazing for me, because of you only. Thanks once again and wishing you a happy New Year.

  2. Very much inspired! I, from Ethiopia, will see if I can organize myself. You asked what I will add, well notification, report generation, progress bar … elements. But need to understand what design I need to record.